Tasma International Manpower Suppliers (Pvt) Limited commenced its operation 20 years ago and geared to supply manpower and provide human resource solutions ranging from unskilled, semi-skilled to skilled manpower in both technical and professional capacities.
Tasma International Manpower Suppliers (Pvt) Limited company’s clientele has grown from its humble beginning, to over 200 companies covering a range of following industries from small industrial units to large multinationals companies.

Why you can select us as the best manpower service provider?

Easy on the Pocket and Less Responsibility
As a Manpower company we work immensely well when your company is running on a tight budget or in a crisis situation and works exceedingly well for your requirements.

Ability to identify talents and faster
Your Company may not be as well-equipped as a Manpower Supplier when it comes to identifying talents. It is our job to find the best talents and kind of skilled employees you need.
We have a large database where the qualified and suitable resumes and other data of these job-seeking candidates.
We have a great experience in interviewing.

Aware of Manpower employees about the industry and act professional.
As a manpower supplier we do not only act as a recruitment agency, we enhance our manpower employees’ skills, mindsets, and education in the upcoming industry.
We ensure that manpower candidates can get a feel of the company stigma and disciplines.